Accounts Receivable salaries in Australia

Are you looking to find out the average Accounts Receivable salary in Australia? Depending on the job level and type, location and industry, Accounts Receivable salaries vary.
Salaries for accounts receivable roles differ from state to state, and across the various role types such as Accounts Receivable Officers, Credit Controllers to Senior Supervisors or Credit Managers.
To check the latest salaries for any of these accounts receivable roles in your location, use the Hays Salary Checker.
How much do you make in an Accounts Receivable role?
Accounts Receivable professionals can make between $56,000 and $112,000 depending on the seniority of the role.
Visit the Hays Salary Guide for a full view on the salaries of Accounts Receivable roles across different levels and locations. Or to do a quick search for the salary of a specific role in a specific location, use our industry leading Hays Salary Checker tool.
On top of salaries, benefits on offer will vary from one organisation to the next so when applying for an Accounts Receivable job and negotiating your desired salary, it always pays to understand what other benefits are available to you.
What factors influence the salary of an Accounts Receivable professional?
There are several important factors that influence the salary an Accounts Receivable professional earns. These include the following:
- Job title and position (an entry-level role will receive a lower pay than a mid-level or senior role in the industry)
- Job type (that is, temporary or contract work, full-time, part-time or casual)
- Organisation type (a small business versus a large multi-national corporation)
- Background, education and skills a candidate has (for example, an applicant with a bachelor's degree and relevant skills may be able to negotiate a higher salary)
- Amount of previous professional experience in Accounts Receivable
- Bonus and incentives available within the organisation
How much do Accounts Receivable managers make?
Accounts Receivable or Credit Control managers make between $70,000 and $112,000 depending on the number of staff they manage.
Use the Hays Salary Checker to compare different Accounts Receivable salaries.
What is the typical career path for Accounts Receivable professionals?
There are clear progression pathways and standardised job titles in Accounts Receivable or credit control.
This means an ambitious individual looking to progress to the top of the profession, will typically spend several years gaining experience at each level before earning their next promotion or step up. The most common career path in Accounts Receivable is as follows:
- Accounts Receivable clerk or officer – up to five years' work experience
- Accounts Receivable specialist or manager – 10 years' work experience
- Accounts Receivable senior manager or director – 20+ years' work experience
Learn more about Accounts Receivable jobs in Australia, the skills and qualifications required for an Accounts Receivable job or a typical job description.
Or to search for your next Accounts Receivable job opportunity, start your search with Hays today.
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