Our commitment to gender equality

Addressing the Gender Pay Gap
Hays offers incredible opportunities for our people to progress and succeed within our organisation, and we are deeply committed to ensuring these opportunities are available to every person that works with us.
We know the gender pay gap is an important metric through which we can understand gender equality within our organisation, and so it's important that we take a considered approach to reducing any gaps where they may exist - and that we take action in addressing them. In 2021 we completed an analysis of our leadership population and identified that men were disproportionately represented in senior leadership positions. We also surveyed our people in collaboration with Hatch Analytics, to understand some of the opportunities to progress more women into leadership positions and strengthen our culture of inclusion. As a result of this research and analysis, we have set gender targets and undertaken a strategic approach to deliver on these targets to ensure an equitable and inclusive work culture where everyone, regardless of gender, can progress and succeed.
And we're proud of the progress we have made.
Since starting my role as CEO of Hays APAC in mid-2023, we have achieved our gender target of at least 45 per cent women in senior leadership positions by 2025. And we have a strong pipeline of talented professionals that will continue to support and grow the gender balance in our leadership teams. We've also recently increased our parental leave benefits and processes that aim to effectively support our people and encourage men and women to access primary carer's leave equally.
And we're excited by what else we can do. We have a focus on succession planning and reviewing our promotion processes to ensure equity, mitigate bias and continue to improve the representation of women in leadership positions within our organisation.
We have a strong commitment to reducing our gender pay gap and, in addition to the above actions, we plan to review our data following this year's WGEA reporting to understand what further actions we may need to take.
We have a strong commitment to reducing our gender pay gap and, in addition to the above actions, we plan to review our data following this year's WGEA reporting to understand what further actions we may need to take.
We look forward to sharing our progress with you.
Matthew Dickason
Read more about how we are Addressing the Gender Pay Gap.
View our Gender Pay Gap data via the WGEA Data Explorer.